
"Goliath" LP de Kataklysm

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Appears on colored Vinyl (Brown).

For almost three decades, the USA/French-Canadian based melodic death metal syndicate KATAKLYSM has been delivering uncompromisingly hard sounds around the globe.
The new album 'GOLIATH' stays true to its name and is an aggressive and mean album. This album contains a lot of anger, but also a lot of darkness, reflecting the current mood in the world and delving deep into questioning things happening on a global level and in society. Not many bands have achieved what KATAKLYSM has in their long and challenging career, but what truly sets them apart is their ability to see the world with honest eyes and create the perfect musical landscape to describe it.

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Artículo no. 559105
Género Musical Death Metal
Media - Formato 1-3 LP
tema producto Bandas
bestOf Si
Banda Kataklysm
Tipo de producto LP
Fecha de lanzamiento 8/11/23
Género Unisex