"Scriptures of vicennial defilement" CD de Kraanium

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Kraanium have long been regarded as one of the OG heavyweights of the Slamming Brutal Death Metal scene and epitomize what Slamming Brutal Death Metal should be. Repulsive lyrics, disgusting vocals, and brutal cacophony...

Originating from Norway but with members from all over Europe, Kraanium blend a putrid mixture of gurgling acid vocals, heavy concrete, and machine gun blast beats that can only be described as one of the hardest bands in Europe. 'Scriptures Of Vicennial Defilement' relentlessly pounds the listener in the most barbaric way and never lets up for a second. A future genre classic.

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Artículo no. 562590
Género Musical Death Metal
Media - Formato 1-3 CD
tema producto Bandas
Banda Kraanium
Tipo de producto CD
Fecha de lanzamiento 1/12/24
Género Unisex

CD 1

  • 1.
    Gurgling on Decomposed Feces
  • 2.
    C*nt Pierced with Rusty Nails
  • 3.
    Massive Piles of Festering Remains
  • 4.
    Fevid Self Dismemberment
  • 5.
    Internally Purified with Scorching Iron
  • 6.
    Deflowered by Disembowelment
  • 7.
    Sliced, Diced and Sodomized
  • 8.
    Braindead Skullfucking

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